How To Convert Exercise Bike Miles To Steps?

Author: Alex Bristol

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How To Convert Exercise Bike Miles To Steps?

Not everybody wants to walk for their daily exercise, but some of us still want to keep track of how many steps we’re doing, so you may find yourself wondering how to convert your miles into steps.

There are a few ways to calculate this, and we’re here to tell you them so you can get an accurate sense of your step count and stay on track with your routine or workout goals.

First Method

If we consider one hour of cycling at a moderate speed earns a step count of approximately 10,000 steps, you can roughly estimate by converting your cycling hours into step count. This method is less accurate, but if you want a rough idea of your progress, it’s a great method.

So if you cycled for half an hour, you could estimate around 5,000 steps and 10,000 for the full hour. As many health experts suggest walking 10,000 steps a day, it is beneficial for you to check on your walking routine. Thus, if you are not a big fan of walking, pedal your way to a healthier life with an exercise bike. So, you can gradually improve yourself by pedaling hard and becoming much healthier in doing so.

Second Method

If you’re looking for something simple and a little more accurate, then you can always pick up a smart Fitbit, apple watch, or any other fitness tracking device. Although in doing this, you risk losing other important aspects like heart rate, number of calories burnt, etc.

Third Method

For this next method, you’re going to need a few extra things.

Things You Need

  • Measuring tape
  • Marker
  • And you!
Step 1

Spread your feet hip-width apart and mark your initial position

Step 2

Now, walk casually for 10 steps and stop.

Step 3

Then mark your position after walking for 10 steps

Step 4

Now, all you have to do is to measure the distance covered. Take a measuring tape and measure the gap between the initial position and the final position.

Step 5

If, for example, your total distance walked is 20 feet, then get your average stride length by simply dividing it by the number of steps taken, i.e., 10.

So, you’ll get your distance covered per foot 20/10=2 ft.

Now that you have your average stride length, you can begin converting your miles covered on the exercise bike into feet.

Step 6

Having a fitness assistant helps with this part so you can browse your smartphone to get the conversion details. If you are in a hurry and don’t want to dive deep to do the math, multiply 5280 and get your conversion done in seconds!

Step 7

Now divide the total number of feet by your average stride length to get the magical number you were waiting for!

Here’s an example. Suppose you have cycled for, say, 5 miles, then, multiplying with 5280 will give you the total feet of:

5 x 5280=26,400

Dividing the total feet by your average stride length:

26,400/2 = 13,200 steps!

Measure your average stride length. Well, that should be around 2.2 ft to 2.55 ft, and then calculate your step count and get started.

How Do You Convert Exercise Bike Miles Into Steps?

Here are a few methods for you to try.

  1. 10000 steps equal how many miles? Or 10000 steps equivalent? According to method 3, 10,000 steps would be almost 5 miles.
  2. What are the steps equivalent to riding 10 miles? Using method 3, if you ride 10 miles, you would have 52800 feet/2 stride = 26,400 steps.
  3. How many steps are 2 miles of cycling? 5280 x 2/2.5 stride = 4224 steps.

How to Convert Steps to Calories Burned

Whether you’re participating in a weight loss program or simply trying to shed a few pounds, regular walking is an effective low-impact activity that burns calories efficiently.

For most exercisers, walking 1 mile requires an average of 2,000 steps and burns about 100 calories. Given these averages, you’ll burn approximately one calorie every 20 steps or 0.05 calories per step.

To track your calories easily, use a pedometer and multiply the number of steps by 0.05 to estimate the total number of calories burned.

However, if you want a more accurate method, then try this.

If you want extra precision, it may be worth setting up a pedometer with your stride length.

  • To find this, measure 100 feet, walk the distance, count your steps and divide 100 by the number of steps to get your stride length.
  • Multiply your weight by a factor of 0.57 to determine how many calories you burn while walking at a casual, 2 mph pace, or for a brisk 3.5 mph pace, use a factor of .05.
  • Walk at your pace for a mile and note the number of steps recorded on your pedometer. Divide the number of calories burned by the number of steps to determine how many calories you burned per step.

 Here are a few example calculations so you have an idea of what sort of answers you’ll be looking for.

  • If it takes 40 steps to walk 100 feet, divide 100 by 40 to get a stride length of 2.5 feet.
  • For an individual weighing 150 pounds, multiply 150 by 0.57 to get 85.5, the number of calories burned during a 2 mph, 1-mile walk.
  • If it takes 2,100 steps to walk the mile, divide 85.5 by 2,100, which gives you 0.04 — the number of calories burned with each step.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many steps equal a mile on a bike?

As we touched upon above, 10,000 steps would be around 5 miles, so one mile on a bike would be the equivalent of around 2,000 steps.

Does riding a stationary bike count as steps?

Yes, it does count as steps, and you can calculate how many steps you would have taken by using some of the conversion methods above. Some vary in the level of accuracy, but most will give you at least a rough idea of your step count.


So, now you know some great ways to convert your exercise bike miles into steps. Remember, some of these methods, such as the first one, are not very accurate and may lead to inaccurate results. Still, if you want a general idea of your steps, it is perfectly viable and easier to figure out.

Exercising can be difficult, and we don’t all have the time to go out for a walk, so with these methods, you can stay home and do some cycling in between your work or chores, so you don’t fall behind on your workout regiment.

Good luck and keep cycling!

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