How often should you change road bike tires?
Bike tires are the most sensitive part of a bike. If they are not in good condition, then it means that you may not be able to enjoy your rides fully.
Again, they are likely to cause accidents especially if they are worn out because they won’t be able to provide the required grip and traction when riding. This means that you need to change them frequently to avoid problems.
Today we are looking at various factors that affect the durability of road bikes tires and when to replace them. Check more details below.

When should you replace road bike tires?
If you want your tires to provide the best performance, you need to change them after they have reached 2000-3000 miles. Some of the most common factors that may affect the durability of the tires include the type of tires, your weight, how you ride and the condition of the road.
Types of tires
In most road bike tires, you will realize that their treads are usually thin and smooth. As a result, they roll smoothly on the road. However, they are more susceptible to flats because they are not sturdy enough.
Unlike the mountain bike tires, road bike tires are not durable. However, they are more lightweight than mountain bike tires which means that they roll more easily. Once you start experiencing frequent flats when riding,
it is a sign that you need new tires. Even if you change the inner tube, you will still experience flats if the tires are worn out.

How you ride
If you are using a thin tire and you love to perform various stunts like stoppies, wheelies and skidding especially with fixed gear bikes, the tires are likely to wear fast. The tread will start to wear after sometime and at times the casing the tire may be visible.
Another reason is when you start getting multiple pinch flats. The major cause of this is using under inflated tires. Riding on under inflated tires causes the sidewalls to pinch the tire against the rim which leads to a pinch flat.
Condition of the road
If you want your tires to last, avoid riding in rough roads or any surface that has a lot of gravel. If you are using thin tires, this can be very risky because they may not be able to withstand tough conditions. Avoid areas where your tires are likely to hit potholes or come into contact with glass or any sharp object.

The back tire wears out faster than the front tire since most of your weight will be towards the rear. If you are heavy, your weight will add more pressure to the tires which means that they will wear out fast.
How often should you change the tires?
If possible, always change them after they have reached 2000 miles. Again, when you start experiencing frequent flats, it may be the best time to use new tires. In most cases, you will see signs of wear on the tread. At times, the inner parts of the tire may be visible.